Stress Awareness
Recognizing and Managing Stress in Daily Life Stress can manifest in many ways, affecting both your emotional and physical well-being. Here are some common emotional symptoms of stress: Feeling irritable, angry, impatient, or wound up Experiencing a sense of being over-burdened or overwhelmed Feeling anxious, nervous, or afraid Struggling with racing thoughts or an inability to switch off Finding it hard to enjoy yourself or feeling uninterested in life Experiencing depression or losing your sense of humor Feeling a sense of dread, worry, or tension Struggling with feelings of neglect or loneliness Noticing a worsening of existing mental health problems Are you aware that stress can also have serious physical effects? One condition linked to intense emotional stress is Takotsubo cardiomyopathy , commonly known as "broken heart syndrome." This condition causes the heart muscle to weaken suddenly and can mimic the symptoms of a heart attack. Fortunately, most people recover ...